Friday, September 28, 2012

Job As Video Game Tester

Are you wondering how to become a game tester? Would you like to make some extra cash on the side doing what you love? If so, then being a game tester can be just the opportunity that you need.

Right now as it stands, a video game tester makes anywhere from $39,000 to $70,000 a year after about 3 years of experience. And the majority of your pay depends on who you work for and also the type of experience that you have under your belt.

But before we can go on about what game tester need to get your foot into the door first. And let me tell you, it can be difficult unless you know what you are doing.

The majority of the time when hirer's like Nintendo, ea and blizzard get applications, they end up throwing them out the window. The reasons why is because they are looking for certain things in the applications. And to help you out, I am going to give you a heads up on just a few of the things.

Great Attention To Detail

If you have this in your application then this will be a big plus. It is very important that you are able to pay close attention to detail. As a game tester you are responsible for tracking down any glitches, errors or any slight defects that can ruin game play.

Gaming Experience

It also helps if you have good gaming experience in a variety of genres. In most cases you will not get the chance to choose the games that you are going to test, so it helps to have a variety of games under your belt so that you don't get too bored.

And if becoming A Game Tester sounds exciting to you and you would like to take advantage of secrets that will help you land a position quickly now just Click Here.

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