Friday, September 28, 2012

How To Be A Beta Tester

For many hardcore video gamers, getting hired to test games is the dream job of a lifetime. But unfortunately not many know how to get their foot in the door to become a highly paid game tester. Having the chance to get hired to test games for a living is much better than working a boring 9 to 5 job isn't it?

One common myth that those that are looking to get hired to become a video game tester is that you need to be great at coding, graphic design etc. There is no need to have those types of skills. Programmers are the ones that are required to have those certain skill sets. As a game tester all you really need is to have the Patience of playing games all night and day. Doesn't seem very hard doesn't it?

It is also important to have the ability to pay attention to detail while testing these games as well. Being able to catch glitches and errors before the game you are testing is released to the market is very important. Game play factor is very important because it can make or break a game launch. Even though the requirements needed to become a gaming tester is pretty easy, getting hired is another problem.

Because there are so many hardcore gamers trying to get hired to become a game tester it is important to stand out in your appellation. Out of the many gamers that are going to apply you need to find ways to stand out above the rest. There are things you can do improve your chances of getting hired to become a video game tester.

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