Friday, September 28, 2012

How To Be A Video Game Tester

Do you know what is like to be a beta tester? Would you like to become a video games tester? Obviously if you have a passion for video games, I'm sure you would like to get paid to do what you love right?

Well being a beta tester can be pretty fun and demanding at the same time. Don't let the job title of being a beta tester fool you though. Even though you have the chance to play games all day along, there are deadlines and instructions that you have to take care of as well.

You have to understand that you are a tester not a game player. But after you get the gritty work done you can continue to play the games you have received before you have to turn them in.

The entire process of being a beta tester begins by receiving unreleased games from companies such as Nintendo, Sony, Blizzard and ea with a set of instructions. The instructs have to be reread over and over again so that you do not miss out on anything. And there is a deadline that you have to meet as well.

Your specific set of instructions will show you exactly what gaming companies want you need to test out as far as game play, glitches and music goes. After testing your game you should make sure to leave a detailed set of notes on your experience with the game. After you are done with the set of instructions you are free to play the games as much as you want until the deadline.

And after some time, gaming companies will start sending gifts as a job well done for becoming a video game tester for them. You can even receive free unreleased game s to keep as well.

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