Monday, October 22, 2012

How To Be A Video Game Tester From Home

How would you feel if you had the chance to become a game tester? That feeling would be great wouldn't it? No longer will you need to walk into that boring daytime job every morning. Now you have the chance to wake up at your time and get paid to become a game tester in the comfort of your own pajamas.

And the pay is pretty good as well once you become a game tester. The more established and proactive you are, the more you get paid. But remember, everyone has to start some where.

And to help you get that head start, here are some important things that you should keep in mind if you want to be a successful tester.

One of the first things you have to keep in mind is that you are a games tester and not a game player anymore. Your goal is to test the living daylights out of the games. You should be looking for bugs, glitches and anything that is out of order as well. This means that you will need to pay close attention to detail. You do not want to be sending games back with glitches to companies like blizzard, Nintendo, ea etc.

It would look very bad on you and your career if this was to happen to you.

Another suggestion you should keep in mind once you become a games tester is that you should be very detailed in the report that you send back. The more detailed you are, the better. Keep notes of anything you have encountered and maybe any other glitches that can make the game easily breakable.

This shows gaming companies that you are organized and professional. Having these qualities will open up more doors and opportunities for you which will in turn increase your income as well.

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